How successful can the scalar-tensor theory be in understanding the accelerating universe?
How supernova feedback turns dark matter cusps into cores
How the curvaton scenario, modulated reheating and an inhomogeneous end of inflation are related
How the extinction of extragalactic background light affects surface photometry of galaxies, groups and clusters
How the first generations of luminous baryons established the X-ray and UV backgrounds
How to detect gravitational waves through the cross-correlation of the galaxy distribution with the CMB polarization
How to distinguish starbursts and quiescently star-forming galaxies: The `bimodal' submillimetre-selected galaxy population as a case study
How to Falsify the GR+LambdaCDM Model with Galaxy Redshift Surveys
How to generate a significant effective temperature for cold dark matter, from first principles
How to Identify and Separate Bright Galaxy Clusters from the Low-frequency Radio Sky?
How To Light It Up: Simulating Ram-Pressure Stripped X-ray Bright Tails
How to make a clean separation between CMB E and B modes with proper foreground masking
How to optimally parametrize deviations from General Relativity in the evolution of cosmological perturbations
How to suppress the shot noise in galaxy surveys
How Typical Are The Local Group Dwarf Galaxies?
How ubiquitous are massive starbursts in interacting galaxies?
How Universal are the Young Cluster Sequences? - the Cases of LMC, SMC, M83 and the Antennae
How Universal is the SFR - H2 Relation?
How unusual are the Shapley Supercluster and the Sloan Great Wall?
How warm is the molecular gas in active environments?