Linear interaction of Alfvén waves in the solar wind.
Linear inverse problems with noise: primal and primal-dual splitting
Linear landmark extraction in SAR images with application to augmented integrity aero-navigation: an overview to a novel processing chain
Linear Latent Force Models using Gaussian Processes
Linear microbolometer arrays for space and terrestrial imaging
Linear Mode Conversion of Langmuir to Electromagnetic Waves at Oblique Density Inhomogeneities
Linear nonadiabatic pulsations of R CrB models
Linear optical extraction of photon-number Fock states from coherent states
Linear oscillations of isotropic stellar systems. I - Basic theoretical considerations
Linear polarization of millimeter-wave emission lines in clouds without large velocity gradients
Linear polarization of resonance lines in the absence of magnetic fields. I - Slabs of finite optical thickness
Linear Polarization of the Solar Ca I 4227 Å Line: Modeling with Radiative Transfer and Last Scattering Approximation
Linear programming problems for frontier estimation
Linear programming problems for l_1- optimal frontier estimation
Linear projection of technical noise for interferometric gravitational-wave detectors
Linear regression for numeric symbolic variables: an ordinary least squares approach based on Wasserstein Distance
Linear regression in astronomy.
Linear resection, intersection, and perspective-independent model matching in photogrammetry: theory
Linear stability and the resonance cases for the triangular libration points for the doubly photo-gravitational elliptic restricted problem of three bodies
Linear Time Feature Selection for Regularized Least-Squares