Extension of SBL Algorithms for the Recovery of Block Sparse Signals with Intra-Block Correlation
Extension of the ABC-Procrustes algorithm for 3D affine coordinate transformation
Extension of the BRYNTRN code to monoenergetic light ion beams
Extension of the IPSL Titan climate model to full three-dimensional GCM
Extension of the SAEM algorithm for nonlinear mixed models with two levels of random effects
Extensions of smoothing via taut strings
External fueling and stochastic ignition of starburst in isolated galaxies
External gravity oscillations in Lake Onega
Externally Dispersed Interferometry with the Lick Observatory Echelle Spectrograph
Externally Wetted Ionic Liquid Thruster
Externally-Driven Gravitational Torques on Disk/Star Systems
Extinction and depolarization of radiation by partially aligned grains in the interstellar medium
Extinction and polarization of light by dust in the interstellar medium - Interstellar linear polarization
Extinction characteristics of giant HII regions - Star-forming complexes in the galaxies M33, LMC, and NGC 2403
Extinction Curves of Lensing Galaxies
Extinction Effects on Galaxy Counts for Bulge-Disk Galaxies
Extinction efficiencies of elongated soot particles
Extinction in external galaxies
Extinction of light by randomly-oriented non-spherical grains
Extinction variations at La Silla.