A better Beta for the H measure of classification performance
A Bias-reduced Estimator for the Mean of a Heavy-tailed Distribution with an Infinite Second Moment
A Binary Control Chart to Detect Small Jumps
A Bounded Derivative Method for the Maximum Likelihood Estimation on Weibull Parameters
A break in self-similarity in the Lunigiana-Garfagnana region (northern Apennines)
A CCD antiblooming technique for use in photometry
A cislunar guidance methodology and model for low thrust trajectory generation
A class of goodness-of-fit tests for spatial extremes models based on max-stable processes
A class of Multidimensional Latent Class IRT models for ordinal polytomous item responses
A Cluster Of Activities On Coma From The Hubble Space Telescope, StarDate, And McDonald Observatory
A clustering algorithm by self-updating process
A combined wave distribution function and stability analysis of Viking particle and low-frequency wave data
A Common Methodology for Safety and Reliability Analysis for Space Reactor Missions
A comparative review of dimension reduction methods in approximate Bayesian computation
A comparison of detection sensitivity between ALTAIR and Arecibo meteor observations: Can high power and large aperture radars detect low velocity meteor head-echoes
A comparison of Gap statistic definitions with and without logarithm function
A comparison of score-based methods for estimating Bayesian networks using the Kullback-Leibler divergence
A comparison of the accuracy of saddlepoint conditional cumulative distribution function approximations
A Comprehensive Statistical Analysis of Thermospheric Neutral Wind Measurements: Building and Testing a New Empirical Reference Model
A Compressed PCA Subspace Method for Anomaly Detection in High-Dimensional Data