Support points of locally optimal designs for nonlinear models with two parameters
Sure Independence Screening in Generalized Linear Models with NP-Dimensionality
Sure screening for estimating equations in ultra-high dimensions
Surface charge characteristics of kaolinitic tropical soils
Surface control techniques for the segmented primary mirror in the large lunar telescope
Surface metrology using laser trackers
Surface photometry of galaxies
Survival-supervised latent Dirichlet allocation models for genomic analysis of time-to-event outcomes
SWELLS: doubling the number of disk-dominated edge-on spiral lens galaxies
Swift Grism Spectroscopy of Comets: A First Application to C/2007 N3 (Lulin)
SWIRE Photometric Redshift Catalogue (Rowan-Robinson+, 2008)
Systematic Errors In Elemental Abundances Derived From Nebular Spectra
Systems engineering studies of on-orbit assembly operation