Structural modification to minimize response of electro-optical systems to random excitation.
Structure Variability in Bayesian Networks
Structured Sparse Aggregation
Structured, sparse regression with application to HIV drug resistance
Structures and Assumptions: Strategies to Harness Gene $\times$ Gene and Gene $\times$ Environment Interactions in GWAS
Struggles with Survey Weighting and Regression Modeling
Studies of Elementary Reactions of Chemical Importance in the Atmospheres of Planets
Studies of Light Pollution in Connecticut
Study and interpretation of the millimeter-wave spectrum of Venus
Study of a European space weather programme
Study of Atmospheric Trace Gas Amounts at the Stara Zagora Ground-Based Station
Study of the crust and mantle using magnetic surveys by Magsat and other satellites.
Study of the magnetic turbulence in a corotating interaction region in the interplanetary medium
Submillimeter grain-size distribution of Apollo 11 soil 10084
Substorm Injections, Dipolarizations, and Auroral Expansions
Summarization and Classification of Non-Poisson Point Processes
Sun-earth environment study to understand earthquake prediction
Sunspot variability and an attempt to predict solar cycle 23 by adaptive filtering
Super-resolution of THEMIS thermal infrared data: Compositional relationships of surface units below the 100 meter scale on Mars
Supernatural/Paranormal Phenomena: A Passionate Closer Look