STEREO COR1-A/B Intercalibration at 180 Degrees Seperation
STEREO/WAVES antennas calibration: Implications for radio source triangulation
STI2679 - Fr. Stein's Neglected Double-Double
STIS 1K X 1K photon counting array detector system
STIS Pixel-To-Pixel Response Stability
Stochastic adaptation of importance sampler
Stochastic Approximation and Modern Model-Based Designs for Dose-Finding Clinical Trials
Stochastic Approximation and Newton's Estimate of a Mixing Distribution
Stochastic model selection for Mixtures of Matrix-Normals
Stochastic performance analysis and staged controller designs for space interferometry systems
Stochastic Search for Semiparametric Linear Regression Models
Stochastic Stepwise Ensembles for Variable Selection
Stratospheric nitrogen dioxide in Antarctic regions from ground based and satellite observations during 2001
Stratospheric ozone and nitrogen dioxide amount obtained with GASCOD-type DOAS spectrometer at Terra Nova Bay Station (Antarctica) during December 2000 - January 2001
Strengthened Chernoff-type variance bounds
Strict Monotonicity and Convergence Rate of Titterington's Algorithm for Computing D-optimal Designs
Strong uniform consistency and asymptotic normality of a kernel based error density estimator in functional autoregressive models
Strongly Consistent Model Order Selection for Estimating 2-D Sinusoids in Colored Noise
Structural design of the Southern African Large Telescope
Structural Modeling of the Next Generation Space Telescope's Primary Mirror