Modulated Oscillations in Three Dimensions
Molecular gas in dwarf galaxies
Molecular Hydrogen Shocks As Tracers of Galaxy Evolution
Molecular modeling of Al3+ and benzene interactions with Suwannee fulvic acid
Moment analysis of the Delaunay tessellation field estimator
Monitoring Networked Applications With Incremental Quantile Estimation
Monitoring the photosynthetic activity of vegetation from remote sensing data
Monte Carlo algorithms for model assessment via conflicting summaries
Monthly spherical harmonic gravity field solutions determined from GRACE inter-satellite range-rate data alone
MoonLITE - Technological Feasibility of the Penetrator Concept
Morlet wavelet analysis of tropical convection over space and time: Study of poleward propagations of Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)
MOST Observations of the Trapezium Region
Motivations of Citizen Scientists Participating in Galaxy Zoo
Multi-Channel Polarimeter for Coronal Magnetic Filed Measurements
Multi-color Randomly Reinforced Urn for Adaptive Designs
Multi-colour random fields with polygonal realisations
Multi-Domain Sampling With Applications to Structural Inference of Bayesian Networks
Multi-Institutional Collaborative Astronomy Education Research
Multi-source data fusion and super-resolution from astronomical images
Multi-technique investigation reveals new mineral, chemical, and textural heterogeneity in the Tagish Lake C2 chondrite