Mission Independent Analysis for Energetic Particle Data
Misspecifying the Shape of a Random Effects Distribution: Why Getting It Wrong May Not Matter
Mitigating the integration error in numerical simulations of Newtonian systems.
Mixed membership stochastic blockmodels
Mixture Likelihood Ratio Scan Statistic for Disease Outbreak Detection
Mixture Modeling for Marked Poisson Processes
Mixture modeling of multi-component data sets with application to ion-probe zircon ages
Mixtures of equispaced normal distributions and their use for testing symmetry in univariate data
MMW turntable data collection, data analysis, and target model development
Model Assessment Tools for a Model False World
Model atmospheres and spectra of cooling neutron stars
Model choice versus model criticism
Model inversion tracking control for UltraLITE using neural networks
Model Selection by Loss Rank for Classification and Unsupervised Learning
Model Selection Consistency for Cointegrating Regressions
Model selection for weakly dependent time series forecasting
Modeling crater topography and albedo from monoscopic Viking Orbiter images. I - Methodology
Modeling high dimensional time-varying dependence using D-vine SCAR models
Modeling homophily and stochastic equivalence in symmetric relational data
Modeling Ionospheric HF/VHF Radio-Wave Absorption due to Solar Energetic Proton Events