Mars entry trajectory optimization using DOC and DCNLP
Martian cratering VI. Crater count isochrons and evidence for recent volcanism from Mars Global Surveyor
Massive Neutrino Decay Driven Radiative Instabilities, Sub-Structure Survival in Galaxy Clusters and a Nested - Particle-Mesh Code
Matching Methods for Causal Inference: A Review and a Look Forward
Materials-theory-based device modeling for III-nitride devices
Maty's Biography of Abraham De Moivre, Translated, Annotated and Augmented
Max-stable processes for modelling extremes observed in space and time
Maximum entropy Edgeworth estimates of the number of integer points in polytopes
Maximum Entropy Estimation for Survey sampling
Maximum entropy Fourier power spectrum for irregularly sampled data
Maximum likelihood estimation and confidence bands for a discrete log-concave distribution
Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Latent Class Models For Contingency Table Data
Maximum likelihood estimation of a multidimensional log-concave density
Maximum likelihood fitting of acyclic directed mixed graphs to binary data
Maximum penalized likelihood estimation for skew-normal and skew-$t$ distributions
Measurement and Application of Entropy Production Rate in Human Subject Social Interaction Systems
Measurement of the Parity-Violating directional Gamma-ray Asymmetry in Polarized Neutron Capture on ^35Cl
Measurement of the photometric and spectral BRDF of small Canadian satellites in a controlled environment
Measurements of radio signals from the Vega 1 and 2 spaceprobes during the probing of the shell of Comet Halley
Measures of Variability for Bayesian Network Graphical Structures