Confidence sets for network structure
Confined subsurface microbial communities in Cretaceous rock
Confounding Equivalence in Causal Inference
Consistency of LISN Modeling Results with C/NOFS Observations of Low-Latitude Electrodynamics
Consistency of support vector machines for forecasting the evolution of an unknown ergodic dynamical system from observations with unknown noise
Consistent estimation of a mean pattern in deformable models for high-dimensional shape analysis
Constraining Eruptive Conditions From Lava Flow Morphometry: A Case Study With Field Evidence
Constructing Summary Statistics for Approximate Bayesian Computation: Semi-automatic ABC
Contamination design of a Scientific Instrument Protective Enclosure for the Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission
Continual Reassessment and Related Dose-Finding Designs
Control of the False Discovery Rate Under Arbitrary Covariance Dependence
Control software development for a large adaptive optical system
Control technology as applied to Space Telescope
Controlled stratification for quantile estimation
Convergence of Nonparametric Long-Memory Phase I Designs
Convergence Properties of Kronecker Graphical Lasso Algorithms
Convex Optimization Methods for Dimension Reduction and Coefficient Estimation in Multivariate Linear Regression
COPAR - Multivariate time series modeling using the COPula AutoRegressive model
Copula Processes
Copula representation of bivariate L-moments : A new estimation method for multiparameter 2-dimentional copula models