Characterisation and dynamic modelling of the near-earth space particulate environment
Characterization and Greedy Learning of Interventional Markov Equivalence Classes of Directed Acyclic Graphs
Characterization of a subclass of Tweedie distributions by a property of generalized stability
Characterization of orbital debris objects over optical wavelengths via laboratory measurements
Characterization of Polygonal Terrains on Mars
Characterization of surface tilt of foundations for high-precision radio-astronomic antennas
Characterizing the Radio Frequency Timing Stability of Fast and Millisecond Pulsars
Checkdam site selection using GIS approach
Chemical ozone loss in the Arctic vortex in the winter 1995-96: HALOE measurements in conjunction with other observations
Chess, Chance and Conspiracy
Chi-square and classical exact tests often wildly misreport significance; the remedy lies in computers
Choice of means for the adaptation of infrared systems figures of merit
Chronologic Surface Methodology - A New Method for Dating Martian Landscapes
Citation Statistics
Class-Specific Tests of Spatial Segregation Based on Nearest Neighbor Contingency Tables
Classification and categorical inputs with treed Gaussian process models
Classification and time of formation of Martian channels based on Viking data
Classification Based on Permanental Process with Cyclic Approximations
Classification Loss Function for Parameter Ensembles in Bayesian Hierarchical Models
Classification of CoRoT Exoplanet Light Curves