The calculation of the collapse of a rotating gas cloud on a Lagrangian grid
The calculation of the radiation field in the spherical stellar envelope
The calibration problem. V - Numerical tests using synthetic parallaxes
The Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar: system overview and preliminary results
The carbon chemistry in interstellar clouds toward moderately reddened stars
The carbon isotopic composition of diamonds: relationship to diamond shape, color, occurrence and vapor composition
The CARMA Correlator
The Case for Explicit Runge-Kutta Nyström Methods
The catalog of astrometric and astrophysical characteristics of the MEGA star program
The cause of discrepancy between evolution functions at large redshifts
The causes and the calculation of the eigenrotation of heavenly bodies
The cellular structure of the universe and cosmological tests
The central configurations of general 4-body problem
The central drop configurations
The central engine of quasars and AGNs: A relativistic proton radiative shock
The Cepheid bump progression and amplitude equations
The Cepheid distance scale - an unorthodox view
The Challenge of Modeling Dense Stellar Systems
The Chandra Source Catalog: Processing and Infrastructure
The Chandra Source Catalog: Processing and Infrastructure