Technical Report #SEHIR-IE-VA-12-1: Optimal Obstacle Placement with Disambiguations
Techniques de restitution de la résolution spectrale par traitement de l'information
Techniques for achieving wideswath coverage with spaceborne SAR systems
Techniques for characterizing weak transients in cosmic ray records, as measured by neutron monitor networks
Techniques for optical fabrication of a 2-mm-thick adaptive secondary mirror
Techniques for speckle noise removal
Techniques for the Analysis of Propagation Effects on Communications Satellite Performance
Technologies and techniques for lasercom terminal size, weight, and cost reduction
Technologies and Their Integration for an Unmanned Aircraft for Mars Exploration
Technologies of high-performance thermography systems
Technologies Spatiales et Développment Durable: le role du CRASTE-LF
Technology and the emergence of X-ray astronomy
Technology assessment of laser-assisted materials processing in space
Technology Concept for a Near-Term Closed Brayton Cycle Power Conversion Unit
Technology Development for Large Radio Arrays at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Technology developments toward large format long wavelength bolometer arrays
Technology for integrated spatial light modulators based on reflective membranes
Technology initiatives for the autonomous guidance, navigation, and control of single and multiple satellites
Technology needs for asteroid and comet trajectory deflection of a Tunguska-sized object using fission propulsion
Technology of automated shaping of aspherical off-axis mirrors