W.M. Keck Observatory adaptive optics program
Wake closure characteristics and afterbody heating on a Mars sample return orbiter
Water absorption lines, 931-961 nm - Selected intensities, N2-collision-broadening coefficients, self-broadening coefficients, and pressure shifts in air
Water cooled garments: A review
Water Detection and Removal From Shuttle Tiles
Water Reactivity with Tungsten Oxides: Formation of H_2 from W_2O_y^- + H_2O Reactions
Water removal studies on high power hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells with alkaline electrolytes
Wave distribution functions estimation of VLF electromagnetic waves observed onboard Geos 1
Wave Fronts in General Relativity Theory
Wave optics modeling of real-time holographic wavefront compensation systems using OSSim
Wave propagation in inhomogeneous space plasmas from the solar atmosphere viewpoint
Wavefront Characterization Campaign at Paranal Using GSM, Mosp, Dimm-Mass Lusci and SCIDAR
Wavefront control with a spatial light modulator containing dual-frequency liquid crystal
Wavefront measurements at ESA's Optical Ground Station and simulation of heterodyne receiver performance
Wavefront measurements of distant phase-distorting layers along propagation path
Wavefront reconstruction of Shack-Hartmann data for a high-resolution pixelated wavefront corrector
Wavefront registration of an optical vortex generated with the help of spiral phase plates
Wavefront sensing and deconvolution of turbulence-degraded photon-counting images
Wavefront sensing on extended sources: anisoplanatism effects on phase estimation
Wavefront sensor optimization in astronomical applications