Z-plane technology - Retrospective and predictions
Zenithal Effects of Meson Radiation
Zeolite Synthesis in Microgravity
Zero-inflated truncated generalized Pareto distribution for the analysis of radio audience data
Zero-state Markov switching count-data models: an empirical assessment
ZERODUR glass ceramics: strength data for the design of structures with high mechanical stresses
ZERODUR mirror blanks for ELTs: technology and production capacity at SCHOTT
Zinc sulfide and zinc selenide immersion gratings for astronomical high-resolution spectroscopy: evaluation of internal attenuation of bulk materials in the short near-infrared region
Zonal compression of greyscale images using Walsh and PWL transforms
Zonas de Repoblamiento de Recursos Bentonicos EN la Region de Valparaiso Chile, a Traves de Imagenes ERS-1 Y SPOT
Zone plate designs for terahertz frequencies (Invited Paper)
Zur Geochemie des Broms in salinaren Sedimenten: Teil I: Experimentelle Bestimmung der Br-Verteilung in verschiedenen natürlichen Salzsystemen