QCD sphalerons at high temperature and baryogenesis at the electroweak scale
Quadratic Volterra filters and wavelet thresholding: two new approaches for noise reduction in images degraded by multiplicative signal-dependent noise
Quality estimation of thick-film resistor terminations based on electrical parameters extraction
Quantifying features in the dynamic spectra of radio pulsars: localization of fringe features using wavelet transforms
Quantitative magnetic resonance image analysis via the EM algorithm with stochastic variation
Quantitative models of the magnetospheric magnetic field - Methods and results
Quantization and psychoacoustic model in audio coding in advanced audio coding
Quantization of solar XUV imagery from SKYLAB
Quantum cosmology for pedestrians
Quantum dynamics in a time-dependent variational approximation
Quantum efficiency characterization of LBNL CCD's: Part I. The quantum efficiency machine
Quantum efficiency of a back-illuminated CCD imager: an optical approach
Quantum GEM Gravity Theory Based on Path Integrals and the Kursunologu-Brandenburg Hypothesis of Gamma Ray Bursters
Quantum Monte Carlo simulation
Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of Nuclei and Nuclear Reactions
Quantum Tic-Tac-Toe as Metaphor for Quantum Physics
Quantum Vehicle Propulsion
Quantum well infrared photodetector research and development at Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Quantum well infrared photodetectors for long-wavelength infrared applications
Quantum-mechanical generalization of the Biot-Savart Law