Redshift--Independent Distances of Spiral Galaxies: I. The Survey
Reducing the influence of the premonochromator on the stability of Fourier spectrometers.
Reducing the risk to Mars: The gas core nuclear rocket
Reduction and Analysis Techniques
Reduction of photoheliograms by IMB-PC controlled digitizer.
Reed-Solomon's algorithm and software for correcting errors in a text
Reference nuclear data for space applications
Reference priors for high energy physics
Reference Reactor Module for the Affordable Fission Surface Power System
Refinement of fast wavelet-based algorithms for linear initial value problems
Reflectance standards at ultraviolet wavelengths
Reflections from raindrops in case of turbulence: phenomenological analysis and signal processing
Reflections on the future of the space program
Reflectivities and electronic band structure of Hg0.8Cd0.2Te
Reform-Oriented Teaching of Introductory Statistics in the Health, Social and Behavioral Sciences-Historical Context and Rationale
Regarding free energy net of the Earth and its monitoring from space concept
Regenerative Aerobraking
Regenerative fuel cell architectures for lunar surface power
Regge calculus and observations. II. Further applications.
Region segmentation techniques for object-based image compression: a review