Interplanetary Shock Waves II. Shock Structure
Interplanetary Shock Waves: I. Gross Structure
Interpretation of Galileo's Io plasma and field observations: I0, I24, and I27 flybys and close polar passes
Interpretation of Radiation Data from Meteorological Satellites
Interstellar C2 Molecule as Seen in HST/STIS Data
Interstellar Clouds
Interstellar Gas and Field
Interstellar spectral features and telluric absorption lines
Intrinsic luminosities of the Jovian planets
Introduction to geomagnetism and paleomagnetism section of IUGG report, 1979 - 1982.
Introduction to Space Physics
Introduction to the report on geodesy.
Introductory Remarks by the President of the Commission on the Research and Utilization of Space by the USSR Academy of Sciences
Investigating the Earth's Atmospheric Radiation in the Visible and Ultraviolet Regions
Investigation of Pc 3 frequency geomagnetic pulsations in conjugate areas around L = 4 - A review of some USSR and U.S. results
Investigation of the Earth's Magnetosphere in the Radiation Zone Region (3-6Re), February-April, 1964
Investigation of the Sun-aligned F-region walls and related phenomena in the auroral latitude range
Investigation of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances during a Midlatitude Spread F Event
Io Volcano Observer (IVO)