Observation of geometric phases in quantum erasers
Observation of ground-state quantum beats in atomic spontaneous emission
Observation of high coherence in Josephson junction qubits measured in a three-dimensional circuit QED architecture
Observation of high-order quantum resonances in the kicked rotor
Observation of Image Transfer and Phase Conjugation in Stimulated Down-Conversion
Observation of Lasing Mediated by Collective Atomic Recoil
Observation of lasing without inversion in a hot rubidium vapor under electromagnetically-induced transparency conditions
Observation of magneto-electric non-reciprocity in molecular nitrogen gas
Observation of narrow Autler-Townes components in the resonant response of a dense atomic gas
Observation of nonadditive mixed state phases with polarized neutrons
Observation of Nonclassical Photon Statistics due to Quantum Interference
Observation of Nonlocal Modulation with Entangled Photons
Observation of Nonspreading Wave Packets in an Imaginary Potential
Observation of off-diagonal geometric phase in polarized neutron interferometer experiments
Observation of polarization quantum noise of laser radiation in Rb vapor cell
Observation of power-law scaling for phase transitions in linear trapped ion crystals
Observation of prolonged coherence time of the collective spin wave of atomic ensemble in a paraffin coated Rb vapor cell
Observation of quantum-measurement backaction with an ultracold atomic gas
Observation of Rabi oscillation of light assisted by atomic spin wave
Observation of radiation pressure exerted by evanescent waves