Muon capture rates within the projected QRPA
Muon capture, continuum random phase approximation and in-medium renormalization of the axial-vector coupling constant
Muon catalysis of superheavy element production in nucleus-nucleus fusion reaction
Muon number violating processes in nuclei
Muon pairs from In+In collision at SPS energy
Muon to Electron Conversion; A Symbiosis of Particle and Nuclear Physics
Muon-catalyzed fusion in "warm-fusion"
Muonic Hydrogen and the Third Zemach Moment
Muonic molecules of charge Z >= 3: Coulombic properties and nuclear transitions.
Muons and emissivities of neutrinos in neutron star cores
Mutual heavy ion dissociation in peripheral collisions at ultrarelativistic energies
My strange times with Johann Rafelski