Darwin-Foldy term and proton charge radius
David Brink: A long-standing teacher
Dbar-N interaction from meson-exchange and quark-gluon dynamics
DCC dynamics with the SU(3) linear sigma model
Debye screening and Meissner effect in a three-flavor color superconductor
Debye screening and Meissner effect in a two-flavor color superconductor
Decay Anisotropy of $e^+e^-$ Sources from $pN$ and $pd$ collisions
Decay of a scalar $σ$-meson near the critical end-point in the PNJL model
Decay of hot, rotating, compound nuclei
Decay of Hypernuclei
Decay of low-lying 12C resonances within a 3alpha cluster model
Decay of Polarized Delta
Decay out of a Superdeformed Band
Decay Process Sigma to 2 Pions and Chiral Phase Transition
Decay Properties Of The Dipole Isobaric Analog Resonances
Decay Rate of Triaxially-Deformed Proton Emitters
Decay rates of medium-heavy Lambda-hypernuclei within the Propagator Method
Decay studies of $^{288-287}115$ alpha-decay chains
Decay theory of double giant resonances
Decay Widths of X(1835) as Nucleon-Antinucleon Bound State