First test of a cryogenic scintillation module with a CaWO4 scintillator and a low-temperature photomultiplier down to 6 K
First Use of High Charge States for Mass Measurements of Short-lived Nuclides in a Penning Trap
Fission Characteristics of Heavy Nuclei: Statics and Dynamics
Fission decay of N = Z nuclei at high angular momentum: $^{60}$Zn
Fission fragment mass reconstruction from Si surface barrier detector measurement
Fission Fragment Spectroscopy on a $^{28}$Si+$^{28}$Si Quasimolecular Resonance
Fission Hindrance in hot 216Th: Evaporation Residue Measurements
Fission involves a new state of nuclear matter
Fission Parameters Measurements for Np, Pu, Am, and Cm Isotopes Inside a Salt Blanket Micromodel
Fission studies with 140 MeV $\bmα$-Particles
Fission-Residues Produced in the Spallation Reaction 238U+p at 1 A GeV
Five Years of Tracking Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC
Flavor Asymmetry of Light Quarks in the Nucleon Sea
Flavor Asymmetry of the Nucleon Sea and W Boson Production
Flavor decomposition of the elastic nucleon electromagnetic form factors
Flavor Dynamics
Flow analysis from cumulants: a practical guide
Flow and Bose-Einstein Correlations in Au-Au Collisions at RHIC
Flow and non-flow event anisotropies at the SPS
Flow angle from intermediate mass fragment measurements