A Backscatter-Suppressed Beta Spectrometer for Neutron Decay Studies
A Circulating Hydrogen Ultra-High Purification System for the MuCap Experiment
A clean, bright, and versatile source of neutron decay products
A Compact Solid State Detector for Small Angle Particle Tracking
A comparative measurement of $φ\rightarrow K^+K^-$ and $φ\rightarrow μ^+μ^-$ in In-In collisions at the CERN SPS
A comparison of forward and backward pp pair knockout in 3He(e,e'pp)n
A Comparison of Polarization Observables in Electron Scattering from the Proton and Deuteron
A Complete Onium Program with R2D at RHIC II
A Composite Chiral Pair of Rotational Bands in the odd-A Nucleus 135Nd
A Comprehensive New Detector for Detailed Study of the Quark Gluon Plasma, Initial Conditions and Spin Physics at RHIC II
A Computer Program for Relativistic Multiple Coulomb and Nuclear Excitation
A concept for the experimental determination of the nucleon electric to magnetic form factor ratio at very low $Q^2$
A Cone Jet-Finding Algorithm for Heavy-Ion Collisions at LHC Energies
A consistent analysis of (e,e'p) and (d,3He) experiments
A critical analysis of the modelling of dissipation in fission
A Current Mode Detector Array for Gamma-Ray Asymmetry Measurements
A Database for Fast Access to Particle-Gated Event Data
A Detailed Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation of the Neutron Lifetime Experiment S. Arzumanov et al., Phys. Lett. B 483 (2000) 15
A Detailed Study of High-pT Neutral Pion Suppression and Azimuthal Anisotropy in Au+Au Collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV
A Differential Time-of-flight Spectrometer of Very Slow Neutrons