Calculation of the interaction of a neutron spin with an atomic electric field
Calculation of the total gamma-spectra of the fast neutrons capture in the isotopes 117,119Sn for the different parameters of cascade gamma-decay
Calculation of the ultracold neutron upscattering loss probability in fluid walled storage bottles using experimental measurements of the thermomechanical properties of Fomblin
Calculation of the ultracold neutron upscattering rate from para-deuterium bound in a lattice
Calibration of a solid state nuclear track detector (SSNTD) with high detection threshold to search for rare events in cosmic rays
Calibration of Muon Reconstruction Algorithms Using an External Muon Tracking System at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Calibration of Plastic Phoswich Detectors for Charged Particle Detection
Calibration of the STAR Forward Time Projection Chamber with Krypton-83m
Caloric curve of 8 GeV/c negative pion and antiproton + Au reactions
Caloric curves and critical behavior in nuclei
Caloric Curves and Nuclear Expansion
Can Doubly Strange Dibaryon Resonances be Discovered at RHIC?
Can the QGP be found using only an Electromagnetic Calorimeter?
Candidate chiral doublet bands in the odd-odd nucleus $^{126}$Cs
Candidate Events in a Search for Muon Antineutrino to Electron Antineutrino Oscillations
Capabilities of the CMS detector for studies of hard probes in heavy ion collisions at the LHC
Cascade Gamma-Decay of the 193Os Compound Nucleus and some Aspects of Dynamics of Change in Nuclear Properties below Bn
Cascade population of levels and probable phase transition in vicinity of the excitation energy ~0.5Bn of heavy nucleus
Cascade production in the reactions gamma p --> K+ K+ (X) and gamma p --> K^+ K^+ pi- (X)
CCpi0 Event Reconstruction at MiniBooNE