The Ballistic Pressure Wave Theory of Handgun Bullet Incapacitation
The BioDyn facility on ISS: Advancing biomaterial production in microgravity for commercial applications
The Borexino Detector
The Borexino Detector:. Construction and Performances
The Calet Space Observatory for Jem-Ef on the International Space Station
The Calibration Strategy of the Cms Electromagnetic Calorimeter
The Calice Tile Hadron Calorimeter Prototype with Sipm Readout:. Design, Construction and First Test Beam Results
The CALMA system: an artificial neural network method for detecting masses and microcalcifications in digitized mammograms
The CDF II eXtremely Fast Tracker Upgrade
The CDF RUN II Silicon Detector:. Aging Studies
The Cdf Silicon Vertex Detector for Run II
The Central Pixel of the Magic Telescope for Optical Observations
The Cms Ecal Laser Monitoring System
The Cms Ecal Laser Monitoring System
The Cms Electromagnetic Calorimeter
The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter
The Cms Electromagnetic Calorimeter Status:. Performance with Cosmic and First Lhc Data
The Cms Hadron Calorimeter:. Progress Report and Test Beam Results
The Cms Magnet Commissioning and the Development of AN Improved Cms Conductor Suitable for Future Proposals
The Cms Magnet:. Main Technological Breakthroughs