GePEToS : A Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation package for Positron Emission Tomography
GPCALMA, a mammographic CAD in a GRID connection
GPCALMA: a Grid Approach to Mammographic Screening
GPCALMA: a Grid-based tool for Mammographic Screening
GPCALMA: A Tool For Mammography With A GRID-Connected Distributed Database
GPU-based Fast Cone Beam CT Reconstruction from Undersampled and Noisy Projection Data via Total Variation
GPU-based fast gamma index calcuation
GPU-based Fast Low-dose Cone Beam CT Reconstruction via Total Variation
GPU-based fast Monte Carlo simulation for radiotherapy dose calculation
GPU-based Iterative Cone Beam CT Reconstruction Using Tight Frame Regularization
GPU-based Low Dose CT Reconstruction via Edge-preserving Total Variation Regularization
GPU-based Low-dose 4DCT Reconstruction via Temporal Non-local Means
GPU-based ultra fast dose calculation using a finite pencil beam model
GPU-based ultra fast IMRT plan optimization
GPU-based ultra-fast direct aperture optimization for online adaptive radiation therapy
GPUMCD: a new GPU-oriented Monte Carlo dose calculation platform
Growth Laws in Cancer: Implications for Radiotherapy
Guiding the surgical gesture using an electro-tactile stimulus array on the tongue: A feasibility study
Gyrosonics a Novel Stimulant for Autonomic Nervous System