Characterization of space radiation environment in terms of the energy deposition in functionally important volumes
Characterization of the Response of Superheated Droplet (bubble) Detectors
Charge Sharing in Pixel Detectors for Spectroscopic Imaging
Charged particle's flux measurement from PMMA irradiated by 80 MeV/u carbon ion beam
CHERCAM:. a Cherenkov imager for the CREAM experiment
Cherenkov light detection for the LHCb RICH Upgrade
Cine cone beam CT reconstruction using low-rank matrix factorization: algorithm and a proof-of-princple study
Classification of interstitial lung disease patterns with topological texture features
Cms Data and Workflow Management System
CMS ECAL intercalibration with cosmic rays and 2006 test beam electrons
Cms Preshower In-Situ Absolute Calibration
Collimator effects in proton planning
Combined Studies of the EM Calorimeter and the Inner Detector in the 2004 ATLAS Combined Testbeam
Comments on "Ballistics: a primer for the surgeon"
Commercial biotechnology processing on International Space Station
Commercial life sciences prospects for the International Space Station-Building on lessons learned
Commercial potential of space-based plant research
Commercial products developed from plant oils produced in microgravity
Commercial Window Glass Tested as Possible High Dose Dosimeter:. Electron and Gamma Irradiation
Commercialization of regenerative life support systems