Visible Effects of Invisible Hidden Valley Radiation
Visible Effects of the Hidden Sector
Visible Sector Supersymmetry Breaking Revisited
Visible Supersymmetry Breaking and an Invisible Higgs
Visions: The Coming Revolutions in Particle Physics
Visualizing Color Plasma Instabilities
VLHC Predictions for H to tau tau in Weak Boson Fusion
VMD description of $τ\to (ω,\ φ) π^- ν_τ$ decays and the $ω-φ$ mixing angle
VMD, chiral loops, sigma-meson, and omega-rho mixing in omega-->pi^0 pi^0 gamma decay
VMD, the WZW Lagrangian and ChPT: The Third Mixing Angle
VNI-3.1: MC-simulation program to study high-energy particle collisions in QCD by space-time evolution of parton-cascades and parton-hadron conversion
Void Analysis and Hierarchical Structure for Single Jets
Volkov solution for an electron in the two wave fields
Volkov solution for two laser beams and ITER
Volume and Quark Mass Dependence of the Chiral Phase Transition
Volume behaviour of quark condensate, pion mass and decay constant from Dyson-Schwinger equations
Volume Dependence of the Pion Mass from Renormalization Group Flows
Volume Dependence of the Pion Mass in the Quark-Meson-Model
Volume Effect of Bound States in Quark Gluon Plasma
Vortex Densities and Correlations at Phase Transitions