Using the $e^\pm μ^\mp + E^{miss}_T$ and $l^+l^- + E^{miss}_T$ Signatures in the Search for Supersymmetry and Constraining the MSSM model at LHC
Using the Chern-Simons Action for a Self-Consistent Determination of the Magnetic Screening Mass in Thermal QCD
Using the decay $b\to sγ$ to bound the chromomagnetic dipole moment of the top quark
Using the Energy Spectrum at DAMA/LIBRA to Probe Light Dark Matter
Using the e^{+/-} mu^{-/+} + E^{miss}_T signature in the search for supersymmetry and lepton flavour violation in neutralino decays
Using the value of beta to help determine gamma from B decays
Using Two-jet Events to Understand Hadronization
Using untagged B^0 -> D K_S to determine gamma
Utility of a Special Second Scalar Doublet
Utility of Galilean Symmetry in Light-Front Perturbation Theory: A Nontrivial Example in QCD
UV and IR divergences within Dimensional Regularization in Non-Commutative theories and Phenomenological Implications
UV and IR Zeros of Gauge Theories at The Four Loop Order and Beyond
UV friendly T-parity in the SU(6)/Sp(6) little Higgs model
UV renormalons in QCD and their phenomenological implications
UV-Completion by Classicalization
UV-divergent parts of one-loop tensor integrals in dimensional regularisation
UV-Protected Inflation
u^{c}d^{c}d^{c}-Based Affleck-Dine Baryogenesis
U_A(1) anomaly and eta' mass from an infrared singular quark-gluon vertex
U_A(1) Anomaly at high temperature: the scalar-pseudoscalar splitting in QCD