QCD and Hadronic Final States at the LHC
QCD and Hadronic Interactions: Summary talk for Moriond 97
QCD and Hard Diffraction at the LHC
QCD and Heavy Hadron Decays
QCD and high energy hadronic interaction: Summary talk (theory)
QCD and hybrid NBD on oscillating moments of multiplicity distributions in lepton- and hadron-initiated reactions
QCD and Intrinsic Heavy Quark Predictions for Leading Charm and Beauty Hadroproduction
QCD and Jet Physics
QCD and Light-Front Holography
QCD and models on multiplicities in $e^+e^-$ and $p\bar p$ interactions
QCD and Monte Carlo event generators
QCD and Monte Carlo generators
QCD and Multiparticle Production - The Status of the Perturbative Cascade
QCD and multiplicity scaling
QCD and Nuclear Physics
QCD and power corrections to sum rules in deep-inelastic lepton-nucleon scattering
QCD and QED Corrections to Higgs Boson Production in Charged Current $ep$ Scattering
QCD and QED Corrections to Light-by-Light Scattering
QCD and QED dynamics in the EMC effect
QCD and QED renormalization group functions - a large N_f approach