QCD Analysis of the H dibaryon
QCD Analysis of the Polarized Deep-Inelastic World Data
QCD Analysis of the Polarized World Data
QCD Analysis of Twist-4 Contributions to the $g_1$ Structure Functions
QCD Analysis of Unpolarized and Polarized Lambda - Baryon Production in Leading and Next-to-Leading Order
QCD analysis of xF$_3$ at NNLO: the theoretical uncertainties
QCD Analysis with determination of $α_S(M_Z)$ based on HERA inclusive and jet data
QCD Analytic Perturbation Theory. From integer powers to any power of the running coupling
QCD Anatomy of B -> X_s gamma Decays
QCD and a Holographic Model of Hadrons
QCD and Asymptotic Freedom: Perspectives and Prospects
QCD and Collider Processes
QCD and Diffraction
QCD and Diffraction in DIS
QCD and dimensional deconstruction
QCD and e+e- --> Baryon + anti-Baryon
QCD and Electroweak Interference in Higgs production by Gauge Boson Fusion
QCD and Electroweak Physics at LHC
QCD and experiment on multiplicity distributions
QCD and Hadron Dynamics