QCD analysis of D-parameter in near-to-planar three-jet events
QCD Analysis of Deep Inelastic Diffractive Scattering at HERA
QCD Analysis of Diffractive and Leading-Proton DIS Structure Functions in the Framework of Fracture Functions
QCD Analysis of Diffractive DIS at HERA
QCD analysis of diffractive phenomena
QCD Analysis of Dijet Production at Low {\boldmath $Q^2$} at HERA
QCD analysis of first b cross section data at 1.96 TeV
QCD Analysis of hadronic tau lepton decays
QCD Analysis of Inclusive $ΔS=1,2$ Transitions: The $|Δ I|=1/2$ Rule
QCD analysis of inclusive B decay into charmonium
QCD analysis of near-to-planar 3-jet events
QCD Analysis of Polarized Deep Inelastic Data and Parton Distributions
QCD Analysis of Polarized Deep Inelastic Scattering Data
QCD Analysis of Polarized Deep Inelastic Scattering Data
QCD Analysis of Polarized Inclusive and Semi-inclusive DIS Data
QCD Analysis of Polarized Scattering Data and New Polarized Parton Distributions
QCD Analysis of Structure Functions of Real and Virtual Photons
QCD analysis of the CCFR data for $xF_3$ and Higher--Twist Contribution
QCD analysis of the diffractive structure function F_2^{D(3)}
QCD analysis of the diffractive structure functions measured at HERA and factorisation breaking at Tevatron