Q-balls in the MSSM
Q-balls in the MSSM
q-Boson approach to multiparticle correlations
Q-PYTHIA - a Monte Carlo implementation for jet quenching
Q-PYTHIA: a medium-modified implementation of final state radiation
Q2 evolution of parton distributions at low x. Soft initial conditions
Q2-evolution of parton densities at small-x values
QCD & QGP: A Summary
QCD '98: status of the power corrections
QCD (&) Event Generators
QCD - looking forward
QCD Accurately Predicts the Induced Pseudoscalar Coupling Constant
QCD against black holes?
QCD Analysis for Nuclear Parton Distributions in the Next to Leading Order
QCD analysis of $F_2^γ(x,Q^2)$: an unconventional view
QCD analysis of $xF_3$ structure function data and power correction to $α_s$
QCD analysis of bar p N -> gamma* pi in the scaling limit