Macroscopic Interferences of Neutrino Waves
Macroscopic parity violating effects and 3He-A
Macroscopic Parity Violation and Supernova Asymmetries
Macroscopic quantum phases of a deconfined QCD matter at finite density
Macroscopic quantum vacuum and microscopic gravitation
Macroscopic Strings and "Quirks" at Colliders
Macroscopic Universality : Why QCD in Matter is Subtle?
Macroscopically large antimatter regions in the baryon asymmetric universe
MadEvent: Automatic Event Generation with MadGraph
MadGraph 5 : Going Beyond
MadGraph/MadEvent v4: The New Web Generation
Magic baseline and magic energy in neutrino oscillation with non-standard interactions
Magic Baseline Beta Beam
Magic Messengers in Gauge Mediation and signal for 125 GeV boosted Higgs boson
Magic Neutrino Mass Matrix and the Bjorken-Harrison-Scott Parameterization
Magical properties of 2540 Km baseline Superbeam Experiment
Magnetic and axial vector form factors as probes of orbital angular momentum in the proton
Magnetic and axial-vector transitions of the baryon antidecuplet
Magnetic and quadrupole moments of light spin-1 mesons in light cone QCD sum rules
Magnetic and Thermodynamic Stability of SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory