Muon Collider Physics at Very High Energies
Muon Colliders, Monte Carlo and Gauge Invariance
Muon Colliders: The Machine and The Physics
Muon Decay and Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Muon Decay Asymmetries from $K^0_L \to π^0 μ^+ μ^-$ Decays
Muon decay in a laser field
Muon decay in a linearly polarized laser field
Muon decay in orbit spectra for muon-electron conversion experiments
Muon decay in orbit: spectrum of high-energy electrons
Muon Decay Spectrum: Leading Logarithmic Approximation
Muon Decay to One Loop Order in the Left-Right Symmetric Model
Muon decays with lepton--number violation via vector leptoquark
Muon Dipole Moment Experiments: Interpretation and Prospects
Muon Excess in Cosmic Rays and at CDF: Signs for a Hidden Sector?
Muon Fluxes and Showers from Dark Matter Annihilation in the Galactic Center
Muon Fluxes From Dark Matter Annihilation
Muon g-2 and Electric Dipole Moments in SUGRA Models
Muon g-2 and Implications for Supersymmetry
Muon g-2 and lepton flavor violation in a two Higgs doublets model for the fourth generation
Muon g-2 and Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model