Identifying String Relics at AUGER?
Identifying the colour of TeV-scale resonances
Identifying the contributions of Universal Extra Dimensions in the Higgs sector at linear e+ e- colliders
Identifying the curvaton within MSSM
Identifying the Higgs Boson in Electron--Photon Collisions
Identifying the Higgs Spin and Parity in Decays to Z Pairs
Identifying the neutrino mass hierarchy with supernova neutrinos
Identifying the neutrino mass hierarchy with supernova neutrinos
Identifying the Neutrino mass Ordering with INO and NOvA
Identifying the neutrino mass spectrum from a supernova neutrino burst
Identifying the NMSSM by the interplay of LHC and ILC
Identifying the Origin of Longevity of Metastable Stau at the LHC
Identifying the quark content of the isoscalar scalar mesons f_0(980), f_0(1370), and f_0(1500) from weak and electromagnetic processes
Identifying top partners at LHC
Identifying Unconventional E$_{\bf 6}$ Models at $e^+ e^-$ Colliders
If no Higgs then what?
If sterile neutrinos exist, how can one determine the total solar neutrino fluxes?
If Theta(13) is large, then what?
iGUT: Grand Unified Theory on Interval
II. The mass gap and solution of the quark confinement problem in QCD