Identification of extra neutral gauge bosons at the International Linear Collider
Identification of Extra Neutral Gauge Bosons at the LHC Using b- and t-Quarks
Identification of indirect new physics effects at e^+e^- colliders: the large extra dimensions case
Identification of large extra spatial dimensions at the LC
Identification of Neutral B Mesons Using Correlated Hadrons
Identification of new physics and general WIMP search at the ILC
Identification of Randall-Sundrum Graviton Resonances at Linear Colliders
Identification of the glueballs and the scalar meson nonet of lowest mass
Identification of the Origin of Monojet Signatures at the LHC
Identification of Virtual New Physics Effects at a Linear Collider
Identify bottom contribution in non-photonic electron spectra and \vv\ from \AuAu collisions at RHIC
Identifying $D_{sJ}(2700)$ through its decay modes
Identifying Better Effective Higgsless Theories via W_L W_L Scattering
Identifying Boosted Objects with N-subjettiness
Identifying Dark Matter Event Topologies at the LHC
Identifying Earth matter effects on supernova neutrinos at a single detector
Identifying Multi-Top Events from Gluino Decay at the LHC
Identifying neutrino mass hierarchy at extremely small theta(13) through Earth matter effects in a supernova signal
Identifying new physics contributions in the Higgs sector at linear e+e- colliders
Identifying Sneutrino Dark Matter: Interplay between the LHC and Direct Search