Hadron Diffraction Dissociation and the Triple Pomeron Vertex
Hadron Diffractive Processes: the Structure of Soft Pomeron and Colour Screening
Hadron Electric Dipole Moments from CP-Odd Operators of Dimension Five Via QCD Sum Rules: The Vector Meson
Hadron Electromagnetic Structure: Shedding Light on Models and their Mechanisms
Hadron form factors from sum rules for vacuum-to-hadron correlators
Hadron Form Factors in AdS/QCD
Hadron Fragmentation Functions and Leading Particle Effects in Hadronic Z0 Decays: New Results from SLD
Hadron Freeze-out and QGP Hadronization
Hadron Helicity Violation in Exclusive Processes: Quantitative Calculations in Leading Order QCD
Hadron interaction with heavy quarkonia
Hadron Interactions - Hadron Sizes
Hadron Liquid with a Small Baryon Chemical Potential at Finite Temperature
Hadron loops effect on mass shifts of the charmed and charmed-strange spectra
Hadron Loops: General Theorems and Application to Charmonium
Hadron mass corrections in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering
Hadron mass generation and the strong interaction
Hadron Mass Scaling in Regge Phenomenology
Hadron Mass Spectrum from Lattice QCD
Hadron masses and power corrections to event shapes
Hadron masses in cavity quantum chromodynamics to order $α_s^2$