Effect of Color Screening on Heavy Quarkonia Regge Trajectories
Effect of contact ineractions on higgs production cross-section at an $e^+e^-\to HZ$ collider
Effect of CP violating phases on neutral Higgs boson phenomenology in the MSSM
Effect of CP-Odd Planck Scale Induced Operators on the Majoron Scale
Effect of CP-violation on the sphaleron rate
Effect of Electric and Magnetic Fields on Spin Dynamics in the Resonant Electric Dipole Moment Experiment
Effect of electric field of the electrosphere on photon emission from quark stars
Effect of Extra Dimensions on Gauge Coupling Unification
Effect of FCNC mediated Z boson on lepton flavor violating decays
Effect of finite chemical potential on QGP-Hadron phase transition in a statistical model of fireball formation
Effect of flavor mixing on the time delay of massive supernova neutrinos
Effect of Flavour Oscillations on the Detection of Supernova Neutrinos
Effect of Fourth Generation CP Phase on b\to s Transitions
Effect of gauge boson mass on the phase structure of QED$_{3}$
Effect of geometrical size of the particles in a hot and dense hadron gas
Effect of Hadron Dynamics on the Proton Lifetime
Effect of Hairpin Diagram on Two-body Nonleptonic B Decays and CP Violation
Effect of hard processes on momentum correlations in $pp$ and $p\bar{p}$ collisions
Effect of H^\pm on B^\pm\to τ^\pmν_τand D^\pm_s\to μ^\pmν_μ,τ^\pmν_τ
Effect of H^\pm on D^\pm_s\to μ^\pmνand D^\pm_s\to τ^\pmν