Echoes from a Warped Dimension
Echoes of a Hidden Valley at Hadron Colliders
Echoes of the fifth dimension?
Economic Model for Neutrino Masses and Mixings
Economical Doublet-Triplet Splitting and Strong Suppression of Proton Decay in SO(10)
EDDE Monte Carlo event generator
EDDE Monte Carlo event generator.Version 2.1
Edge Charge Asymmetry in Top Pair Production at the LHC
EDM constraints and CP asymmetries of B processes in supersymmetric models
EDM Constraints in Supersymmetric Theories
EDM constraints on flavored CP-violating phases
EDM operator free from Schiff's theorem
EDM-free supersymmetric CP violation with non-universal soft terms
EDMs -- signs of CP violation from physics beyond the Standard Model
EDMs vs. CPV in B_{s,d} mixing in two Higgs doublet models with MFV
Educing GPDs from amplitudes of hard exclusive processes
eett6f v. 1.0, A program for top quark pair production and decay into 6 fermions at linear colliders
EeV neutrinos associated with UHECR sources
EEWW: a generator for $e^+e^- \to W^+W^-$ including one-loop and leading photonic two-loop corrections