E6,7,8 Magnetized Extra Dimensional Models
E6SSM vs MSSM gluino phenomenology
Early (and Later) LHC Search Strategies for Broad Dimuon Resonances
Early Higgs Boson Discovery in Non-minimal Higgs Sectors
Early History of Gauge Theories and Kaluza-Klein Theories, with a Glance at Recent Developments
Early History of Gauge Theories and Weak Interactions
Early Inflation and Cosmology in Theories with Sub-Millimeter Dimensions
Early LHC bound on W' boson in the nonuniversal gauge interaction model
Early LHC Phenomenology of Yukawa-bound Heavy Q\bar{Q} Mesons
Early LHC Underlying Event Data - Findings and Surprises
Early search for supersymmetric dark matter models at the LHC without missing energy
Early spin determination at the LHC?
Early stage thermalization via instabilities
Early stages of growth of QCD and electroweak bubbles
Early SU(4)_PS x SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x SU(2)_H Unification of Quarks and Leptons
Early SUSY discovery at LHC via sparticle cascade decays to same-sign and multimuon states
Early SUSY discovery at LHC without missing E_T: the role of multi-leptons
Early thermalization at RHIC
Early Time Dynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions from AdS/CFT Correspondence
Early Time Dynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions from CGC and from AdS/CFT