Extremal black disks in QCD
Extremal size fluctuations in QCD dipole cascading
Extreme field physics and QED
Extreme gravitational waves from inflaton fragmentation
Extreme scenarios of new physics in the UHE astrophysical neutrino flavour ratios
Extreme Technicolor & The Walking Critical Temperature
Extreme-Energy Cosmic Rays: Puzzles, Models, and Maybe Neutrinos
Extremely energetic cosmic neutrinos and their impact on particle physics and cosmology
Extremely energetic cosmic neutrinos: Opportunities for astrophysics, particle physics, and cosmology
Extremely high energy cosmic rays from relic particle decays
Extremely High Energy Neutrinos, Neutrino Hot Dark Matter, and the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays
Extremely high-intensity laser interactions with fundamental quantum systems
Extremely Long-Lived Charged Massive Particles as A Probe for Reheating of the Universe
Extrinsic CPT Violation in Neutrino Oscillations
Extrinsic CPT Violation in Neutrino Oscillations in Matter
e^+ (Anti)Quark Scattering in the Presence of the Anomalous HERA Positron-Jet Event Phenomenon
e^+ e^- --> {tilde t}_1 {tilde t}_1^* (H_1) in the MSSM with explicit CP violations
e^+ e^- -> 3 jets and event shapes at NNLO
e^+ e^- Annihilation into J/psi + J/psi
e^+e^-\to (h A)\to bbbb in Abelian Extended Supersymmetric Standard Model