Custodial bulk Randall-Sundrum model and B->K* l+ l'-
Custodial Isospin Violation in the Lee-Wick Standard Model
Custodial nonabelian gauge symmetries in realistic superstring derived models
Custodial SU(2) Violation and the Origin of Fermion Masses
Custodial Symmetry and Extensions of the Standard Model
Custodial Symmetry and the Triviality Bound on the Higgs Mass
Custodial Symmetry, Flavor Physics, and the Triviality Bound on the Higgs Mass
Cut Diagrams for High Energy Scatterings
Cut Vertices and Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Processes
Cutoff schemes in chiral perturbation theory and the quark mass expansion of the nucleon mass
Cutoff-independent regularization of four-fermion interactions for color superconductivity
Cuts in the invariant mass of resonances in many body decays of mesons
Cutting rules at finite temperature
Cutting rules in the real time formalisms at finite temperature
CutTools: a program implementing the OPP reduction method to compute one-loop amplitudes
Cyclic Family Symmetry and Lepton Hierarchy in Supersymmetry
Cyclic Shape Invariant Potentials
Cycloops: Dark Matter or a Monopole Problem for Brane Inflation?
Cyclotron Emissivity in the Early Universe