Bulk viscosity coefficients due to phonons and kaons in superfluid color-flavor locked quark matter
Bulk viscosity effects on elliptic flow
Bulk viscosity in a cold CFL superfluid
Bulk viscosity in hyperonic star and r-mode instability
Bulk viscosity in quasi particle models
Bulk Viscosity of a Gas of Massless Pions
Bulk viscosity of interacting strange quark matter
Bulk viscosity of low-temperature strongly interacting matter
Bulk viscosity of QCD matter near the critical temperature
Bulk viscosity of spin-one color superconducting strange quark matter
Bulk viscosity of the massive Gross-Neveu model
Bulk viscosity, particle spectra and flow in heavy-ion collisions
Bunching Parameter and Intermittency in High-Energy Collisions
Buried Higgs
Burkhardt-Cottingham sum rule and forward spin polarizabilities in Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory
Bursts of low-energy electron-positron pairs in TeV-range collider physics
Bypassing the axial anomalies
B\bar{B} Mixing and CP Violation in SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1) Models
b\to sν\barν decay in the MSSM: Implication of b\to sγat large tan beta
B\to X_sγ, X_s l^+ l^- decays and constraints on the mass insertion parameters in the MSSM