Bubble Walls, CP Violation and Electroweak Baryogenesis in the MSSM
Bubble-Bubble Interaction in the Quark-Gluon Plasma
Bubble-nucleation rates for cosmological phase transitions
Bubble-nucleation rates for radiatively induced first-order phase transitions
Bubbles in the supersymmetric standard model
Buchmüller Scaling, the QCD Pomeron, and Tevatron Diffractive Hard Scattering
Buckyballs and gluon junction networks on the femtometer scale
Buckyballs of QCD: gluon junction networks
Building a Better mSUGRA: WIMP Dark Matter Without Flavor Violation
Building Models Of Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Without A Messenger Sector
Building the full PMNS Matrix from six independent Majorana-type phases
Bulk and brane anomalies in six dimensions
Bulk and Shear Viscosity in Hagedorn Fluid
Bulk and Spectral Observables in Lattice QCD
Bulk black hole, escaping photons, and bounds on violations of Lorentz invariance
Bulk Fermions in Soft Wall Models
Bulk Fermions in Warped Models with a Soft Wall
Bulk Fields and Supersymmetry in a Slice of AdS
Bulk Fields in the Randall-Sundrum Compactification Scenario
Bulk fields with brane terms