Mixing, CP Violation and Extraction of CKM Phases from Untagged Bs Data Samples
BSM Higgs Physics at the LHC in the Forward Proton Mode
BSM Higgs Physics in the Exclusive Forward Proton Mode at the LHC
BSM Higgs Studies at the LHC in the Forward Proton Mode
BSM models facing the recent LHCb data: A first look
Btev: Strategy and Sensitivity
BtoVVana: the package for analysis of $B_s^0\to J/ψφ$ and $B_d^0\to J/ψK^*$ decays
Bubble chain resummation and universality
Bubble Collisions and Defect Formation in a Damping Environment
Bubble collisions in a SU(2) model of QCD
Bubble collisions in Abelian gauge theories and the geodesic rule
Bubble Free Energy in Cosmological Phase Transitions
Bubble Growth as a Detonation
Bubble Nucleation in phi^{4} Models at All Temperatures
Bubble Nucleation in Theories with Symmetry Breaking by Radiative Corrections
Bubble Nucleation Rate In Fourth-Order Gravity
Bubble wall dynamics, generalised Yukawa couplings and adequate electroweak baryogenesis in two-Higgs-doublet model
Bubble Wall Profiles in Supersymmetric Models
Bubble Wall Profiles With More Than One Scalar Field: A Numerical Approach
Bubble Wall Velocity at the Electroweak Phase Transition