Broken scale invariance, massless dilaton and confinement in QCD
Broken SU(3) antidecuplet for $Θ^+$ and $Ξ_{3/2}$
Broken SU(3) Flavor Symmetry and Tribimaximal Neutrino Mixing
Broken SU(3) Symmetry in Two-Body B Decays
Broken Supersymmetric U(1) Gauge Factor at the TeV Scale
Broken symmetries and dilepton production from gluon fusion in a quark gluon plasma
Broken Symmetries in the Early Universe
Broken Symmetry as a Stabilizing Remnant
Broken symmetry phase solution of the phi^4 model at two-loop level of the Phi-derivable approximation
Broken S_3 Flavor Symmetry of Leptons and Quarks: Mass Spectra and Flavor Mixing Patterns
Broken unitarity of the SM and a new theory of EW interactions
BRS Symmetry in Connes' Non-commutative Geometry
BRST Quantization, Strong CP Violation, the U(1) Problem and $θ$ Vacua
BRST symmetries in SU(3) linear sigma model
BRST-driven cancellations and gauge invariant Green's functions
Bs ->mu+ mu- versus Direct Higgs Searches
BS and DS equations in a Wilson loop context in QCD, effective mass operator, q-qbar spectrum
Bs decays: CP asymmetries in left-right models with spontaneous CP violation
Bs Mixing and Electric Dipole Moments in MFV
Bs-->K+K- and Bs-->K0 anti-K0 Decays within Supersymmetry