Brief introduction to viscosity in hadron physics
Brief Neutrino Physics Update
Brief report on `Radiative $φ$ decays with derivative interactions'
Brief review of the theory of the muonic hydrogen Lamb shift and the proton radius
Broad resonances as locking states and the problem of confinement
Broad Sub-Continuum Resonances and the Case for Finite-Energy Sum-Rules
Broadening in Medium-induced QCD Radiation off a $q {\bar q}$ Antenna
Broadening of Transverse Momentum of Partons Propagating through a Medium
Broadening the Higgs Boson with Right-Handed Neutrinos and a Higher Dimension Operator at the Electroweak Scale
Broken $S_3$ Symmetry in Flavor Physics
Broken $S_3$ Symmetry in the Neutrino Mass Matrix
Broken conformal invariance and spectrum of anomalous dimensions in QCD
Broken electroweak phase at high temperature in the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity
Broken Flavor 2 <-> 3 Symmetry and phenomenological approach for universal quark and lepton mass matrices
Broken mu-tau Symmetry and Leptonic CP Violation
Broken phase scalar effective potential and Phi-derivable approximations
Broken R Parity Contributions to Flavor Changing Rates and CP Asymmetries in Fermion Pair Production at Leptonic Colliders
Broken R Parity, Neutrino Anomalies and Collider Tests
Broken R-Parity in the Sky and at the LHC
Broken R-parity, stop decays, and neutrino physics