Breit-Wigner formalism for non-Abelian theories
Bremsstrahlung and pair production processes at low energies, multi-differential cross section and polarization phenomena
Bremsstrahlung and photon production in thermal QCD
Bremsstrahlung corrections to the decay $b \to s γ$
Bremsstrahlung from a Microscopic Model of Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Bremsstrahlung from an Equilibrating Quark-Gluon Plasma
Bremsstrahlung from colour charges as a source of soft particle production in hadronic collisions
Bremsstrahlung in dark matter annihilation
Bremsstrahlung in weak charged current polarized lepton-nucleon deep inelastic scattering
Bremsstrahlung neutrinos from electron-electron scattering in a relativistic degenerate electron plasma
Bremsstrahlung of a Quark Propagating through a Nucleus
Bremsstrahlung photon polarization for $ee^\pm\to (eγ)e^\pm$, and $ep\to (eγ)p$ high energy collisions
Bremsstrahlung Radiation as Coherent State in Thermal QED
Bremsstrahlung simulation in K to pi l^pm nu_l (gamma) decays
BRIDGE: Branching Ratio Inquiry/Decay Generated Events
Bridges of Low Energy observables with Leptogenesis in mu-tau Reflection Symmetry
Bridging flavour violation and leptogenesis in SU(3) family models
Bridging light-cone and NRQCD approaches: asymptotic behavior of $B_c$ electromagnetic form factor
Bridging the primordial A=8 divide with Catalyzed Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
Brief Introduction to Flavor Physics